I drank not one but two cups of pumpkin spice coffee at work today!!! I have no idea what came over me – maybe I was channeling The Donk. It was there and it was free - I'm so embarrassed. I normally take my coffee hot black and bitter (sounds kinda like a certain presidential candidate). I sincerely apologize to everyone. I expect better of myself. I hope the children of America haven’t been scarred for life. I like to think of myself as a coffee role model. If y’all give me another chance I promise to never ever let it happen again.
As punishment I’m suspending my Man Card for 1 week.

dont fight it brotha!!!!
strong, black and bitter is no way to go through life... :)
Well my hubby drinks his light and sweet and he is no less of a man for it ;)
Wait, just a minute. You did not say you liked the pumpkin spice coffee. It was free, you buckled down and you drank two, like any man would. I think this just earns you MORE man points. If you actually enjoyed your pumpkin spice coffee, that is a whole different story!
MAU: did you miss that he had at second cup???
mau - well I kinda liked but not too much. and there were plenty of real coffee choices at work.....
Yep, suspend it!
I drink mine like black battery acid but I admit that if I were to drink a flavored coffee, pumpkin spice would be it. Like you I had my man card suspended for drinking a Starbucks Pumpkin Latte. It's akin to crack. So now, on occasions, in the fall I'll drink some Coffee-mate Pumpkin, but my regular cup of joe is roofing tar black. If you want to regain your masculinity, drink a few cups of black coffee in an Army canteen cup. No one will question you again.
The card is too funny...
Not only do a just put a bit of real half and half in mine (it's a viscosity thing) but I also ROAST MY OWN...so there!
Don't know what you're talking about! Here, even in Italy, we've never heard of that combined coffee. That's a complete fabrication of Starbuck and co.
You'll be deprived of your Italian origins.......momentarily....until you regain your consciousness : )
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