when you're perfect in every way.
Mac Davis/Kenny Rogers
Apparently I've been nominated for a Catholic Media Award for Best Blog. Shockingly I was not nominated for the Most Spiritual Blog award (although my Bride was). I was nominated in two different categories "Funniest Blog" and "Most Entertaining Blog".
I would love to act humble and say that I'm surprised and undeserving of these awards. But I'd be kidding myself and you. Of course I deserve and want the award. I hope its a Major Award.....like maybe a Leg Lamp or Leg Warmers or a Leg of Lamb or a Leg Tattoo or a Leg Waxing or a Leg Up. Or maybe new running shoes....no that's too much to ask I guess.

Voting Starts next week so go to the website and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!
And to those who nominated me, thanks the check is in the mail.
Voting began on June 1st. I already voted for you both, and we are only allowed to vote once :(
Hope you both win!
Maurisa - I voted for you for Blogger with the Best Hair....just don't tell Sam ;)
i will vote for you if you shave your legs.
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