Here are a few pictures Sam took at the Mass.
Caleb on the bus at O'Dark Thirty.
Lizzie, Barbara The Surly and Joey
Caleb (in the middle), Joey, Lizzie, and Barbara (in the front) and others from our church youth group
Joey enjoying some tasty vittles in the luxury box
The pope comes out of the bull-pen in the 9th. The Popemobile needs to be pimped out...maybe some spinners
The view from the Box of the stage and altar
Mary - worn out from helping dad take care of the baby
My reward for watching the youngins - Life is Good
WOW! That must have been such a surreal experience for your wife and children.
*Thanks for the info you left on my blog ... I guess I should post email or something.
I was criticising the way they were selling tickets to attend the Mass, but, I would have tried to buy some tickets. It must have been grandiose, and a great emotion! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Today, on TV news, they said that the Pope has made a speech at U.N. in english and french. I don't undestand why in French, but I'm very proud of it.
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