TheMom is having a photo contest that I'm entering and winning. So you can go check it out and enter if you want but I'm hear to tell you the contest is mine. It's in the bag.* And remeber people, second place is just First Loser.
Here is the soon to be winning picture. Personally I would caption it 'Handsomest Dad of 11 Ever'. But my modesty prevents me from naming it that myself. Ok so the mother of 11 is way hotter but let me have my little fantasies.
*TheMom - those new size 6.5 running shoes are on the way. Now keep the judging fair.
Are you seriously trying to suck up by buying me shoes which are a whole size too small for me? Include the gift receipt so that I can exchange them for 7.5's and you're on, mister.
Hey, you both! Are you from the same family? I think you're very intimate, with exchange of presents!, that's not fair : )
Rob, the second is not the loser, the loser is the one who doens't participate because he's scared to lose. We won't participate ourselves, we got an excuse, given we don't have the opportunity to watch your TV contest/show, but we would have won, for sure! Exotism, that would have been our little plus which would have allowed us to win. Now that we retire from the contest, SCD (you like first letter word), you have a little chance to win, especially if you form part of the same family as the Mom.
I wish you ggod luck for the contest. Your picture deserve to win, especially Sam. You see I'm not a poor loser!
I have never met the Sardonic Dad, but have decided to declare him my Brother From Another Mother. So, as my BFAM, he has an advantage over any other competitors. I still think you should enter, just so you can beat him.
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